Home >Roads by County












Roads by County

This section provides links to parts of this website dealing with specific counties as well as useful external links. It also has summaries of roads entries from the county volumes of the Cambridge County Geographies published in the early 1900's, links to entries on roads in the Board of Agriculture reports for each county and a link to town and county directories on the National Library of Scotland website..


Links and Resources
For those interested in a particular county, links are provided to parts of this website that relate to a particular county, as well as links to external sites that might be useful. It does not contain new material.

County Overviews
Summaries of entries relating to roads that appeared in the separate volumes of the Cambridge County Geographies published in the early 1900's by the Cambridge University Press

Reports to the Board of Agriculture
Links to entries relating to roads in the Board of Agriculture reports for each county. These give a good overview of roads and their administration around 1800.

Town and County Directories
These directories on the NLS website often have details of roads and their administration in the 19th and early 20th century as well as details of coaches and carriers.

Fairs, Cattle-Markets, & Trysts in Scotland
This is an entry in one of the above directories that lists fairs etc. throughout Scotland.
It dates from 1853.


Note: The above images are from Arrowsmith's map of Scotland dated 1846 courtesy
of David Rumsey Historical Map Collection. The images are copyright Cartography
Associates but have been made available under a Creative Commons license for
non-commercial use













































































































































































